
has anyone ever heard of this one werewolf book like she's from space and like she turns into a wolf or something like that and they send her to earth which is now controlled by like you know werewolves and she gets captured and turned into some kinda drug runner for someone and idk but like if you have ever heard of it or come across something like it can someone tell me what story it is thanks if you took the time to read that 


@Aliah_Jai and I think they called the place from space heaven or something like that 


has anyone ever heard of this one werewolf book like she's from space and like she turns into a wolf or something like that and they send her to earth which is now controlled by like you know werewolves and she gets captured and turned into some kinda drug runner for someone and idk but like if you have ever heard of it or come across something like it can someone tell me what story it is thanks if you took the time to read that 


@Aliah_Jai and I think they called the place from space heaven or something like that 