Birthday: Dec 16
Gender: Female
Personality: I'm bit aniti-social but outgoing when in the mood, competitive, easily annoyed but usually calm about things, while not having a religion i don't judge others for theirs, and very straight forward and completely honest like will tell you the truth even if it hurts you but i'll help you with what i can when asked nicely.
Live: U.S.A
Languages spoken: Spanish and English
Likes: Writing, Helping others, Reading, History, Lang Arts, Sewing,fanfics, Naruto, Anime, Manga, Writers, Quotes, Reading your comments, and Yaoi
Dislikes: A Majority of Sauces, America cause it has no real culture, Pink, Math, Forgetting anime
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing, Sewing, knitting
Dreams: To become a librarian or/and a writer
  • why wanna know, do you want to murder me, stalk me, or kidnap me huh?
  • RegistrertJuly 12, 2016

2 Reading Lists