
Here is a snippet out of something I've been writing for a few days:
          	"Everything happening around him, the stars, the wind, the cold, reminded him of the world around him. More of that he was in the world, alive and breathing. The events of the past were in the past. Nightmares could haunt him while he was asleep, but now he was awake, staring at a beautifully dark sky, and he was alive. And that's all that mattered to him for the time being."


Here is a snippet out of something I've been writing for a few days:
          "Everything happening around him, the stars, the wind, the cold, reminded him of the world around him. More of that he was in the world, alive and breathing. The events of the past were in the past. Nightmares could haunt him while he was asleep, but now he was awake, staring at a beautifully dark sky, and he was alive. And that's all that mattered to him for the time being."


this message may be offensive
here's a crackhead post from your local reject:
          Dude I fucking love women. Girls are so pretty. So many pretty girls. Tall girls short girls big girls thin girls ALL SO PRETTY. unless she got a bad personality then she ugly. BUT HOLY SHIT YALLLLLLLLLLLLL I'M LIKE GOD DAMN WHY TF GIRLS GOTTA BE SO HOT I AINT OKAY.
          Anyway yeah I'm alive uhhhh no updates (maybe for my stupid insta crack fic) uhhhhhhhh I write a SHIT TON still but I just don't post it lmao (unconfident much) anyway bye sksks


@spacedoutweirdo Lol, Were on the same page tho, Bro.