
Oh and Secondly....WHY IS TWILIGHT ON DISNEY PLUS!  I'm shocked and also laughing cause it's Twilight and it's on Disney Plus.... I don't know why this is funny I'm just weird 


Ok first yes I know I've been MIA and I made a promise that I'd update however, I currently have hit a wall, a ten foot wall that I just can't seem to get over everytime I try to write a please bare with me it might take awhile....or a few months....years I really don't know yet, just let me get over this wall and will see if I can cook up a chapter or three.

reblerose234 I know I've barely updated anything but one book and it was really just a rewrite, but I do have an actual reason...well two actually, the first being that I am currently taking a college class in creative writing. Ironically, that and I have a seasonal job as well so my time is really going to focused on school and work for the time being. I'll update a book or two when I've finished school but until then things are going to be on hold.


so I'm feeling in the mood to FINALLY update one of my many stories, however I will not say which one so it'll be a random story getting updated either this week or next week it really depends on my schedule.


Not to be rude but I have to ask are you going to ever continue Watching The MCU it seems like a interesting story?


@markiejoex4 I'm taking a break from updating any of my stories at the moment, Watching The MCU will be updated when I come back, I haven't given up on them I just   taking a break


hey everyone, I just saw Hollow Mind from The Owl House and I am not ok
          That episode was a bit much for me to digest but I have a theory about the whole thing, it maybe wrong but bear with me here.
          Also apologizes if my writing is all over the place 
          I could be wrong here but what if this is the Collector's game from the start.
          Cause when you think about it Belos and his brother found their way to the boiling isles with a magical door that needs the Collector himself to get it to work properly when it's destroyed, what if the reason Belos and his brother found the portal door was because the Collector wanted them to.
          He wanted them to discover the Boiling Isles and basically drove a family apart (I'm guessing cause from this episode it seems like Belos and his brother got along swimmingly before they got to the isles before from one of the pictures it looks like their fight ended up with Belos murdering his own brother) anyways, Belos's brother before he died (or maybe he disappeared) met and possibly married one of Eda and Lilith's relatives which would explain how the portal door was found by Eda in the first place, afterwards the Collector created the spell that Lilith eventually found and cursed Eda with (I refure you all to episode 8 of season 2, were we see the hooded figure of the Collector turning into the scroll that turned Eda into the Owl Beast)
          This in turn causes a rift between the two sisters as well as the rest of their family, and possibly the only reason Belos was so obsessed with capturing Eda was not only because she had the portal door but also because she's a link to his past aka his brother, the Collector knows this as this all happened because of him, it's not Belos whose in control it's the Collector! He's been pulling at the strings as it were, and why because as this episode states he hates being bored and wants to see chaos and if I'm hearing right from his little poem he wants to see the land bathed in blood Basically


to everyone whose sees this, please don't ask me to update. I really can't right now and I don't know when I will update anything but right now life is throwing me through the window of a ten story high building and it's just crapy.
          So even if you notice me commenting on stories it doesn't mean I'm back to writing so I'm begging y'all here please don't ask me to update because right now I'm not in a writing mood.
          Rose out 


@reblerose234 Honestly I felt this. When I wrote on Wattpad and I stopped and people kept asking to update I had to say that I wasn't gonna post anymore. And I was like if I haven't posted it's for a reason (I'm not trying to sound rude). But take a break as long as you need I hope you feel better❤️