
Do some stories say that their missing or got deleted when they actually aren't? I'm just asking because some people are having problems with wattpad so I wanna know if they actually got deleted or something is up with wattpad


Do some stories say that their missing or got deleted when they actually aren't? I'm just asking because some people are having problems with wattpad so I wanna know if they actually got deleted or something is up with wattpad


Can I tell y'all an embarrassing moment between me and a cute guys that lives in my neighborhood? I need to get this off my chest 
          So my little brother left our mail keys in the mailbox so a cute guy came to our house to return them. I greet him at the door, I say thank you, he explains what happened, I say thank you again and instead of just saying "have a good day!" and close the door, I stand and stare at him as he back away looking at the ground and I FINALLY say thanks again and he replies, "no problem" as he walks away. Now I'm hella embarrassed, should I be this embarrassed? ‍♀️By the way, I have never met this dude before. 


@Blazefur0042.  And you know how people sometimes watch people walk away once they deliver something. If he wasnt nervous or wanting to say something, he would have turned around after I said thank you the 2nd time but he didnt. Be slowly walked backwards doing this *pointing at himself*so maybe he's awkward talking to strangers too or on the VERY off chance he thought I was cute. Key words: VERY off chance 


@animalgirl25 Oh no! Yeah, I've had that moment, and it's really embarrassing.


Hi there! ✨
          Just wanted to thank you for adding my Bellamy B. Collection to your reading list; it means the world to me that you’re giving it a chance and I truly hope you’ll enjoy everything in it. Always feel free to leave me your thoughts in the comments as you go and remember to vote, please! I also have a series rewrite if you’re ever interested in those.
          Have a beautiful day☀️


@seiraswriting Of course! I'm sure I'll love it, and I'll make sure to check the rest of your books out! :)  I hope that you have a beautiful day as well ☀️
            If you would like, you can check out my book called Shadowstrike's Destiny, I'm a new writer and I wanted to see if I'm doing a good job so far and any feedback is appreciated!


Happy Fourth of July Y'all! :)


@Lifeasarider  Those are good too! Maybe you should add their pictures to your story so your readers know what they look like. So is that a no to me giving out what I think they would look like as humans? I have ideas for darkstripe,longtail, and the others. If you want of course


@animalgirl25 Sandstorm is playing as Madison Iseman, Fireheart is playing as KJ Apa, and Mousefur is playing as Ella Balinska