^this is my sweet baby poppy she was stolen by a rainbow bridge and I no longer support the existence of rainbows, the new pride flag is in shades of gray^

If you try to remind me dadzawa isn't cannon I will bite you

Depressed Izuku is best Izuku

✨β✨ (If u know u know ;)

I was ✨adopted✨
Mother: @8774749838S
Father: @CarrieCreatesCrap24
Maternal Aunt: @affoa_
Sibling: @Zeegsve

I don't relax,
I simmer in my anxiety in different locations

Biologically female but you can call me anything bc I don't really care there is a name for it but i forgot

My otps are all over the place but 93% of the time they are gæ

Depending on my mood I will read a LOT of weird carp including crack ships like Tony the Tiger x the grinch

I like to bake and spend most of my time reading or doodling cute ticks eating spaghetti

sorry if I get annoying I have trouble telling how people feel when I'm not able to see their body language please tell me to ✨frick✨ off if that is the case
  • RegistriertMarch 9, 2021

Letzte Nachricht
noturbasicgardenhoe noturbasicgardenhoe Aug 18, 2023 07:09PM
My betta fish died last night. He was four and I could tell he was slowing down but I thought I still had more time. That little man has gotten me through some tough times and I hope he’s in a better...
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