
ok...I REALLY have a lot of people asking 4 me 2 read their stories....
          	I will try 2 read as many as I can but dont be discouraged if i dont read yers...
          	sorry...theres just sooooo many!!!
          	thnx 2 anyone who asked, though... im touched u think im good enough to rate and read yer stories!!!
          	luv ya- Katrina   


hi there. i know this is kind of random, but i would just like to advertise my story on your profile and hope its ok... i have a story entitled SCARLET MIDNIGHT and if you're not a fan of stories.. i have a collection of poems as well. i would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a critic or comment to help me improve my writing. thank you and sorry for the randomness lol n_n


Hi there! My names Amanda, and i recently uploaded 2 new stories to my profile. One called *Miya*, and the other *Little-Miss-Masquerade*. Miya is more on the older, supernatural side of things, where as Little-Miss is more teenaged drama ;) 
          I was wondering if maybe you would have an interest in reading either of these. I really enjoy and get motivated by comments and votes, especially fans! :D 
          I would really appreciate it if you would read them! 


          so a bit of self advertising...;)
          I wrote down two stories, one of them being a short one.
          Condemned and Dusk Before Nightfall...
          The former being the short story about 'Harlots' and we stereotyped humans.
          The latter is totally a romantic story, but its more than 'sex/pregnancy/vampires/werewolves/virginity'...honestly we need a bit more of mature and sensible stories, don't we? ;D
          Its about 'love'...which tells about the various dimensions about it from Avantika's point of view as well as her better half's ;) and its with surprises ;)
          so try reading it...........and if you don't, no problem ;)
          Thank you.