
I'm a nobody. I'm worthless. I'm alone.
          	I haven't been very active have I? I haven't written anything, I haven't talked to anyone.
          	My life is crumbling.
          	Nothing is going right. Nobody apparently wants or needs me now. I fücked up once. ONCE.
          	And now I've lost my best friend.


I'm a nobody. I'm worthless. I'm alone.
          I haven't been very active have I? I haven't written anything, I haven't talked to anyone.
          My life is crumbling.
          Nothing is going right. Nobody apparently wants or needs me now. I fücked up once. ONCE.
          And now I've lost my best friend.


@_Chibi_Chan_ Hey, message me if you're still on here. I care about you. I hope you're alright.


    --♥♥♥♥Put This On Your 
                -♥♥--♥♥Wall If You Have
                -♥♥--♥♥Or Suffer With
                --♥♥♥♥(Self Harm)
                -♥♥--♥♥Or Any
                ♥♥----♥♥Mental Illness
          I have already put this here, but it's been drowned out


@_Chibi_Chan_ i used to self harm but then every day my friend came up to me and kept poking me whilst saying "Why, why, why" over and over, eventually i told her why and she helped me through it. Annoying how she kept poking me but it worked 