Preferred pronoun would be Douchecanoe because it's gender-neutral AND accurate!! 🤗🤗
I'm Asexual and Panromantic! We don't discriminate here babes 😉😉😉
I am a walking sexual innuendo with a side of flirty and for appetizers, it's an all-you-can-eat self-depreciation! 👌🏻👌🏼👌🏽👌🏾👌🏿
Also, I have an Ao3 account. It's the same user so you should check it out!! 😋😋It's the same stuff but I'd love it if you went and supported me there by dropping a few kudos on your favs!🧐🤓
  • Probs my couch. Sleeping. Idk.
  • Připojen/aOctober 21, 2019

Příběhy od Shiggy_Chan
Fnaf One-Shots od Shiggy_Chan
Fnaf One-Shots
This is stuff I stole from Tumblr and made more of
MCU One-Shots od Shiggy_Chan
MCU One-Shots
This is stuff I stole from Tumblr and then made more of
Original Works [as stated on Ao3] od Shiggy_Chan
Original Works [as stated on Ao3]
This is stuff I stole from Tumblr and made more of
10 seznamů příběhů