
So sorry for the lack of posting, I’m trying to keep this account from dying. I have sooo much more I want to write, so hopefully I’ll be back at it soon!


I don’t know if anyone reads my updates, but I’m back!!!
          The last several months have been CRAZY, and I’ve been so busy and stressed that I haven’t even opened my Warriors folder since OCTOBER!
          But now I’m excited to say that I can finally get back to writing, and I’ve been dying to get back to my stories. Hope you all are ready too!


Hey all!!!
          So sorry for the lack of posting lately. I’m about to move so packing has taken up a lot of my time. Until I’m settled in the new place, I won’t be able to write as much (which I want to do so bad), but after that I’ll go back to a regular writing schedule.
          Until then, I hope to be able to get at least a chapter of each published in the next week.
          As always, thanks for reading!


Hey guys! So clearly Redblaze's Regret is nowhere near finished yet, and since it takes place between The Apprentice's Curse and The Loner's Trial, I haven't wanted to post any of the Loner's Trial until Redblaze's Regret is finished. But just for fun, should I post the Allegiances for The Loner's Trial as a sneak peek? It'll be a bit of a spoiler for how Redblaze's Regret ends, but I thought it could be fun. Let me know! Thanks for reading!