
Guess who had all A’s on their report card? 


@Luvxxnia No problem! Keep up the good work!!


Guess who had all A’s on their report card? 


@Luvxxnia No problem! Keep up the good work!!


help! I ran the mile at school yesterday and all my limbs are getting torn off! Also, why tell me why my parents decided to move from Australia to the U.S.? Stop. i don’t like it. It’s so humid, Australia is just hot.


@felix_4eva i’m half korean!!! i want tyo go back! please take me! i hate the US


@Luvxxnia My mom decided to move back to Korea (i am half Korean) and i dont want to


kill me now bro… i was at school yesterday and we were in a weather hold because it was storming so, were allowed to be in our phones, yknow? And i was on my phone and i asked my friend to hold it while i was grabbing something.. and he jokingly said “yo, catch this!” and he pretended to throw it but it actually flew out of his hand, onto the floor. through my screen protector it cracked.. so i was obviously upset. fast forward to today. i went to be a nice daughter and take my little 4 year old autistic brother a bath, i saw he needed a new towel so i told him to take his clothes off and get in the bath while i go grab his towel. i came back to see my phone in the sink. i picked it up and the screen was not functional. i couldn’t even power off my phone. do yknow i was so frustrated I started crying, and my brother thought i was playing with him and he squeezed my arm needing the stimulation, with he long nails, and gave me multiple scratched that hurt so bad. so, that’s my life update. currently phoneless, sitting on my bed. contemplating life. and the funny thing is, I WAS HAVING A GOOD DAY! my dad and i actually met up for the first time since November! and this happened! so, thanks for reading my vent.


@omarwa123 think you! my mom actually just left to go pick up my new phone:) she called me spoiled..


Okay, so fun fact! When i’m stressed, anxious, upset, whatever.. i always make a k-pop group ‘added member’ book.. i would update my current ongoing books but i would make the chapters crappy and i wouldn’t focus my attention on it.. which is why i have many draft books.. so! with that being said-… i am going to make a seventeen added male member book, i was kind of thinking of making the character sort of like samuel.. what do you think..? or should i make the character born in between 1999 - 2003..?


guys i’m soo tired, my ring recorded my sleep score and i got a 13 out of 100, it said seek medical help..


Todays TMI! i frew up… 


@Luvxxnia hope ur feeling better tho<3