
I updated love is a sport! Sorry to the people who were reading i honestly took so long to update because i was losing confidence from nobody reading but now i'm not going to worry and just keep writing i also am working on my other book which i personally believe is more interesting and it's called "a sorcerists god" i am also looking for a co-author/editor!


Hey! Could u check out my book Loving Mr Good boy? Plz vote and comment if u like it 


@ishtararahman no, thank you for writing a beautiful masterpiece. I wish you luck with your future chapters and books.


@Yukino-Ravens thank u so much❤️❤️ I hope u enjoyed it


I updated love is a sport! Sorry to the people who were reading i honestly took so long to update because i was losing confidence from nobody reading but now i'm not going to worry and just keep writing i also am working on my other book which i personally believe is more interesting and it's called "a sorcerists god" i am also looking for a co-author/editor!


Hello everybody! I'm sorry about my book "Even angels fall" i'm going to restart it my co-author is really bisy with all the cool activities he does. So i'm restarting it again i'm sorry i promise it'll be good and new updates r coming freshmen year sucks so much work and stuff for next year! I'm sorry but loee u all!