
Yall i made a strawpage for my ii x cuphead designs
          	(They're not all there yet but i have whats there so far!)
          	If you wanna check that out!


Guys I graduate middle school tmmr.
          I am not ready to move to a new school and end up cutting contact with everyone because we forget to interact or i dont have a way to contact them- ToT


@IdiotToast WOAHH congrats!! I don't have much experience even though I'm in the same year as you cuz here in Ireland we don't have middle school yk? But graduating primary school two years ago, I kinda relate to the whole cutting contact with ppl
            I'm sure you'll find great ppl in high school!!


Anyone else get super caught off guard opening wattpad and having 11 notifications and it's all helium deflates getting reuploaded, im not upset or anything, i just got confused at first, like did someone die, did I do something wrong and everyone's yelling at me??


I think if I read fanfics in my mind with each of the characters actual voices, I'd die laughing anytime I'd read Balloon or Knife, even if it was the most depressing part of the story ToT (<- cry emoji)
          (Is anyone else sad we cant put emojis?)


@IdiotToast NAURR for some reason whenever they're doing out of character things like singing it's actually hilarious (yeah no emojis suck)