
Umm… so.. I just noticed Someone Else is at 15k VIEWS, WHAT?!?!  You guys are so incredible, thank you so much!!! If you’re interested in what I’m working on or book related things, Pls pls follow my bookstagram. _Thebookishhailey_ 


Hi beautiful people. I wanted to hop on real quick to fill you guys in on everything going on. I know I’m super past due for an update on WWC, please forgive me.  I just had a baby a couple months ago who takes up a lot of my time, and my other baby(toddler) has been sick so I’ve been very busy and haven’t had time or energy to write. But I promise it’s always on the back of my mind and an update is coming soon. <3 


@HJ_Slone omg congratulations!!!! ❤️❤️❤️