
Alright, hello everyone long time no speak. 
          	I was just starting to wonder what you all followed me for. What do you want to see more of?
          	I may or may not have a few stories in the works that I'm fighting with myself about posting... But if they fall into the category of something you're looking for, I might be more inclined to post them. 
          	I was hoping to get a few responses of what you're all here for, and maybe I can given you what you're looking for. Maybe. 
          	TL;DR What do you want to see me post in the future?


Alright, hello everyone long time no speak. 
          I was just starting to wonder what you all followed me for. What do you want to see more of?
          I may or may not have a few stories in the works that I'm fighting with myself about posting... But if they fall into the category of something you're looking for, I might be more inclined to post them. 
          I was hoping to get a few responses of what you're all here for, and maybe I can given you what you're looking for. Maybe. 
          TL;DR What do you want to see me post in the future?


So I've been writing. 
          I'm trying to update The School Play. 
          I finished that tag (@ You know who you are). 
          I wrote that one ship one shot... For a serious purpose. 
          And I have a couple finished chapters of drafts for something completely new. However, I 100% doubt anyone will understand what it's about. I suppose, if people say they wanna see it, I'll post it. Maybe. 
          So, hopefully I can update a few things here and there. 


Putting any stories that no one seems to be reading on hiatus until someone shows interest. :/
          Also, regarding The Binding of Creatures, I still haven't found those note cards. I mean, I have, but I lost them immediately afterwards. (¯∇¯٥) 
          Hoping to update that soon...


@CatPickles just wing it, I do on my story's and it worked out semi-fine. If you find them again save them yo your computer.


Whoops the inability to write properly has returned! I have no real drive for anything anymore, so who knows when I'll get around to more updates. I'm writing a sentence or two a day and seeing where I end up sooo... 
          Sorry for inactivity. I'll be back around... sometime. 


School has been going along and writing has been neither here nor there, but with new changes (hopefully!) my stories will get better and better and updates will hopefully get more frequent! Huge thanks to all of you that read through all of my stuff!! XOXOXO