
Salam my cuties! I'm Feeling so unwell these days. The next part is in drafts. But I haven't finished it yet, cause to be honest, I'm mentally sick, I need a quick refresh for y'all. I'm expecting your love and support in this too, pray for my health. See ya all with an exclusive chapter soon. Love from Nabi... 


@AnabFatima  Don't worry about  the update we can wait first take care of your health. Health is wealth


Salam unnie. If you don't mind I would like to suggest my own story here..If anyone is interested in it then you can read it. I hope you'll like it. I'm sorry to post it here. And yes this story is not an Islamic story but it doesn't contain any inappropriate scenes...


I'm sorry I'm not able to send the story link here as I'm new can search it in my profile 


@thv_tamanna the name of my story is "His charming princess"


Hey there author, my sincere apologies for posting here but (author and everyone else) do give a chance to my book. I hope ya’ll will like it, it’s a desi romance book. Do check it out.


Salam, sister! I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I'm a student currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and I have a deep passion for writing. Whether it's crafting stories, composing poetry, or creating engaging articles, writing is where my heart truly lies.
          While I thoroughly enjoy the creative process, I'm aware that there's always room for improvement, especially when it comes to professional writing standards. That's why I'm reaching out to you for guidance and feedback. I would be immensely grateful if you could take a look at my content and offer your insights. Any suggestions or advice you have would be invaluable to me.
          Of course, if anyone else reading this message has input or recommendations, I would welcome your contributions as well. Together, let's work towards refining my writing skills and creating content that resonates with others. Thank you for your support and encouragement!
          Here's the link:


Hello lovely Author!
          If you don't mind I would like to suggest my own FF in your comment section.
          If you or anyone else is interested to read halal FF of JJK then please click the link below ️ 


@kimhabiba07  I'll check it insha'allah. Best of luck ❣️


hey lovely writer
          i missed you and missed your story
          two month left
          i hope you didnt forget me
          how are you??????? are you better now??????


@Mario_Loca Salam my sweetheart! How are you doing! I'm well And of course how can I forget you, you are still my most favorite reader. Eagerly waiting for your comeback, And too many surprises are waiting for you.   Keep smiling, honey ❣️✨


Salam my cuties! I'm Feeling so unwell these days. The next part is in drafts. But I haven't finished it yet, cause to be honest, I'm mentally sick, I need a quick refresh for y'all. I'm expecting your love and support in this too, pray for my health. See ya all with an exclusive chapter soon. Love from Nabi... 


@AnabFatima  Don't worry about  the update we can wait first take care of your health. Health is wealth