
To my beloved fans, please forgive me. I have gone through some pretty bad things these past few months and to top it off, my house has flooded from the rain in missouri and i have lost everything, including my computer with our Phriek on it. I am trying to get back up on my feet and write again. I will post more soon and i am so terribly sorry. i love you all and thank you so much for the comments.


I'm not sure how often you get on here anymore. I miss your story Phriek! It's been a while since I last saw anything posted and I completely understand loss. I'm hoping that you are in the process of healing and will sometime soon come back and continue writing. Just know that you can use anything and everything as something to fuel your writing. I've used everything in my life as ideas. 
          Your daughter wouldn't want you to drown in sorrows. All your readers will be here when you come back. They will be glad when you do. Trust me, we've all been waiting very patiently.


To my beloved fans, please forgive me. I have gone through some pretty bad things these past few months and to top it off, my house has flooded from the rain in missouri and i have lost everything, including my computer with our Phriek on it. I am trying to get back up on my feet and write again. I will post more soon and i am so terribly sorry. i love you all and thank you so much for the comments.