My name is Daniel, and I've been a Dungeons & Dragons-player since 2015. Since I read the Dragonlance-novels, as well as the Legend of Drizzt-novels, I have thought to myself, "That. I will do something like that." 

So that is basically what my story is; it's an introduction to a fantasy universe no one's ever explored before. It's an introduction to what a game of Dungeons & Dragons should feel like. And it's an introduction to some characters that I have been burning to share with the world since last year (2019). Now, because of COVID-19, I'm kinda stuck at home and getting bored, so I thought this would be my chance to finally start this project up for good. Perhaps you will take a read through my story and find that you like it, or perhaps that it's trash. Maybe, you don't really know what Dungeons & Dragons is, and will have to make an intelligence check to see if you can figure it out. Or perhaps, you know what it is, and want to hear more?

Well, no matter the circumstances, I welcome you to Phantoria, my own personal fantasy-setting. And I hope you'll enjoy your stay, no matter how long it will be.
- Daniel, the Dungeon Master
  • शामिल हुएApril 12, 2018
