
I’ve been working and dealing with a recent death in the family so I’ve been away from my laptop. I plan to pick back up sometime this weekend. Thank you guys for being patient with me. 


@Siony21 thank you. I hope you’re doing well! 


@undercovermermaid_93 Condolences to the family.Take your time Miss Author.Stay safe and healthy.


I’ve been working and dealing with a recent death in the family so I’ve been away from my laptop. I plan to pick back up sometime this weekend. Thank you guys for being patient with me. 


@Siony21 thank you. I hope you’re doing well! 


@undercovermermaid_93 Condolences to the family.Take your time Miss Author.Stay safe and healthy.


Going from a SAHM to working full time starting tomorrow, so the updates will come when I have time outside of work, my children, and household chores etc. I don’t get paid to write, I do it because I love it. So fair warning if it takes close to two weeks sometimes for an update on my stories as they’ll have to take a backseat to my other responsibilities 


@undercovermermaid_93. Thats okay please just don't forget about us 


I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has stood by me in my many years of writing (and rewriting) these stories. You guys are awesome! I know I don’t respond that often to comments, but know I go back and reread the comments when I feel like giving up on a story. I’ve had a very hard time with depression and anxiety and I’ve submerged myself into my writing because it makes me happy. And you guys make me feel like everything I’m doing is worth it. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sticking with me through this messy adventure into my mind. Love you guys! -Vik


If you don’t mind me asking why did you change the plot line of being his slave I like the book the very first time you ever wrote it 


Oh okay that’s crazy people are weird 


@kyenisha_99 I changed it because another person on wattpad copied being his slave word for word and passed it as her own. I loved the original as well but this entire story is tainted now. So I decided to change a few details. The main story will be retold, slightly.