About me... it's just a question right? Let's you get to know me. Have an insight to what it is that's brought me here.

But what If I told you it's not just question- that it's something much deeper than what it appears to be. Something each of our minds automatically do for a millisecond when we meet someone like me A stranger.

Who are they?

Where are they from?

What's their story?

Questions we all get for that split millisecond. The answers however we may never get.

Now your probably thinking why not just tell us? Why evade the question that isn't a question but we assume is?

Well imagine this, your walking down a street and you bump into yourself- like walking into a mirror, you know that face, you know their fears, darkest secrets even their most cherished memories. You know everything about them and they know everything about you.

How do you feel? Terrified?

I would. Someone has every little bit of dirt and leverage on you and there is absolutely nothing you can do to keep that hidden because you are now your own worst enemy.

Now imagine the same scenario but it's a complete stranger.

Now your intrigued by this person, a face you have not seen, a life you have not lived, a million questions you need answering. But just as soon as that thought registers it's gone and you both break that contact, turn and carry on with your lives.

So, why do you need to know 'about me'?

We are all just answers waiting for the questions to be asked.

We are all just titles with summaries waiting to be read.

We are all just covers with a story to tell.

We are all just strangers.

We are who we are.

You wanted to know 'about me' well that's me, a complicated anecdote that thinks about everything too in-depth and wonders if anyone else has these thoughts?

That's who I am the one person that shows you that a stranger is only a stranger to those who do not look closer to see the story is right in front of them.

So who are you? And what's your story?
  • England
  • InscritAugust 30, 2016

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