
Happy New Year! I hope you had a safe time doing fireworks(if you did) or just kept warm! I love you all and I wish nothing by good luck in your future endeavors for 2021 and so forth. :3


Happy Halloween! And to those who have their birthday in October, I give my all the love and wishes you desire to you! Make sure to stay safe, wear your masks if you are daring to go trick or treating and wash your hands or use handsanitizer! And if you don't celebrate Halloween, then just stay extra safe tonight and cuddle up in ye blankets and pillows. Relax and hydrate~


I just found out that Kakashi's birthday was yesterday and now I feel bad for not saying it sooner, but also to you guys as well. Happy birthday to everyone in september! I hope 2020 is treating you better and that you are doing self-care! Keep up with your classes(or if you're not starting yet, keep up with your health!) And every once in a while remember to take a breather! :D


I'm doing a history project on my life(for some reason) and I just realized how much a single author changed my entire way of living. Going back to like 6-7 years ago, I absolutely hated reading and writing and anything for that matter, but now it's the complete opposite. I love reading different genres and stories as well as coming up with semi-interesting concepts for future books. It's kinda weird how I am a smol internet author myself because of it. If it wasn't for that one author who made me love listening to her book, I could've been someone completely different.
          This is actually pretty fascinating to think about.
          Sorry for this smol ramble, but I just couldn't help sharing after I made this realization. If I meet her again, I need to tell her how thankful I am to her and her book lololololol. :3333


I want to wish all ye peeps that are heading to school or doing internet school. Stay safe, healthy, wear ye masks and wash ye hands often. Kick this year so far up it's arse that it tastes your shoes for decades to come. You can overcome anything and everything. Remember to take breaks every so often as well!
          P.S happy birthday to all July(since I didn't wish ya guys last month >:0) and August peeps! I wish you guys a life of peace and Loaf! :DDDD