
heyyy guys...just poppin in to say hi real quick. i don’t use this app anymore and i had it deleted for a while, but i decided to come back and do some stuff. i deleted any pictures of me in my diary thing or anything that i just felt too personal. i also deleted a few chapters entirely. i hope you understand, i just don’t want that much of my life on the internet anymore. i also deleted my other diary because i just didn’t want it there anymore. soooo yeah bye, have a nice one


          I am non binary myself and I am struggling to talk to people about it do you have any tips


Be yourself!! Tbh the worst thing that could happen is not being accepted, and if they don’t accept you they aren’t worth your time nor your energy. <3


heyyy guys...just poppin in to say hi real quick. i don’t use this app anymore and i had it deleted for a while, but i decided to come back and do some stuff. i deleted any pictures of me in my diary thing or anything that i just felt too personal. i also deleted a few chapters entirely. i hope you understand, i just don’t want that much of my life on the internet anymore. i also deleted my other diary because i just didn’t want it there anymore. soooo yeah bye, have a nice one


I just wanted to say your book about being non binary is fantastic and to keep up the great work. 


@Galacticarose Sorry for posting so late at night. I was bored, came across your book, basically tore through it and thought I should compliment you on it. So again sorry. 


@Galacticarose Haha, it's no problem


@Galacticarose Omg you replied. Thank you so much. Like I was shaking when I decided I would post that so thanks, it means a lot. 


Thanks for the follow, Kris!