
m i s s i n g  y o u


Assalamualaikum and hai...
          Just read your book balkis vs danial and tbh from the bottom of my heart a good one you have there.really like your book because your english is excellent and not that i'm saying malay writers have poor english writing skills it's just's a nice one, your book.i would like to say thanks because balkis who is just a pigment of your imagination really inspires me to be someone better...just a side not that i am not on a journey to become a doctor or a marriage proposal being arranged to one heck of a hunk no...hahahh...but she really is a nice protogonist and makes me feel like i can really try to be better than what i am now..thanks!!
          P/s: for a note to you that's a pretty long one and it really is nice to kno you


akak, do you still remember me ? daliya ?
          dah lama nak tegur akak senanya
          tapi segan HAHAHAHA :"


Allahu tak sangka akak ingat ㅠㅠ


@-yannanur ya allah kak ingat sgtlah dkat daliya ni heee ❤