
Happy Hallows Eve everyone!!! My band imagines book will be updated today. Spooky stuff coming soon! As usual, I do take requests. Have a spooky day! 


Hi everyone. I know I don't post often, but I plan on changing that. I am recovering from surgery that I had at the beginning of April. My goal is to update my Band One Shots book. I will be taking requests if you would like a personal one. Also, if anyone would like me to continue any of my other stories, please let me know. As always, thank you for reading my stories and feedback is always appreciated.


Hello everyone! I know it's been a long while since I've updated anything. I have good news though! I'm starting a new book. It's about drag queens and coffee. It is on mature rating due to language and some sensual scenes. Please give it a read. Chapter one is posted!


For those of you wondering why I haven't my stories, it's because I've been updating the two stories I'm cowriting with @MacAttack477 Those stories are getting constant updates and one of them is about Pop The Clutch. I'm also writing a prequel to Boom Boom Room that explains the origins of Pop The Clutch. Once I have the first five chapters outlined I'll post the story. Thank you for your patience. In the mean time, please feel free to check out the two stories I'm cowriting.