
For the people who are waiting for the sohinki fanfic to update it might take a while. As you might know I am also working on a iancorn fanfiction that is in the same universe. It is because of this that will delay the sohinki fanfic. So until the iancorn story is up to date with the sohinki one, I will be editing it. Thank you for your patience. 


For the people who are waiting for the sohinki fanfic to update it might take a while. As you might know I am also working on a iancorn fanfiction that is in the same universe. It is because of this that will delay the sohinki fanfic. So until the iancorn story is up to date with the sohinki one, I will be editing it. Thank you for your patience. 


Thanks for adding my story to your reading list! It means a lot that you liked my book :) 
          Stay Quirky,
          Ash :3


@4Ash_Ash4 np Ash. The book is vary well done.


          Thanks for following me and in return becoming a Twitling!
          I hope you're having an AWESOME SAUCE day and Happy New Year!
          Tata for now,
          ~Twitface *(^-^)* xox


@twitface99 I couldn't help it. I love your work. I hope you have a happy 2016 and. Good luck