For those reading Two Broken Souls, I would just like to tell you that I’m going to be taking a break for a while. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I just need time for myself.
          	I’m getting hammered with school work and mentally I can’t cope with both creating a fic I love, and my own education. So, for the time being I’ll be putting my fic on hold for a little while. 
          	Love you all,
          	KG x


For those reading Two Broken Souls, I would just like to tell you that I’m going to be taking a break for a while. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I just need time for myself.
          I’m getting hammered with school work and mentally I can’t cope with both creating a fic I love, and my own education. So, for the time being I’ll be putting my fic on hold for a little while. 
          Love you all,
          KG x


This is just a notice, but I'm publishing my work from Two Broken Souls on Inkitt and on ao3 (possibly Just because this fic has some things coming up in the plot, and I'm just going to move my fic onto other platforms. I will still update on here, but I'm going to be taking precautions now before it is potentially too late.
          KG x


@louisaaa2002 it’s the exact same, nothing has changed. KG x


Is your @ the same as Wattpad? X


@Malfoy_dumdass It's called inkitt, but I've not posted anything. I'm in the middle of making a linktree so everything you need is there. KG x


Hey I was wondering if I could use your story as like an idea for my own well mainly the dark Phoenix part and how she is the last on alive 


awesome thanks and yeah i hate when ppl do that to


Yeah, that’s great. Go for it, I’m sure it’ll be amazing. And thank you for asking, I know a lot of people don’t ask when it come to taking inspiration, so thank you for asking. 
            KG x