
After spending nearl 5 hours going through years of spam and various email account. I have recovered my Wattpad account. 
          	Hello Old Friends


After spending nearl 5 hours going through years of spam and various email account. I have recovered my Wattpad account. 
          Hello Old Friends


@BlackSteelGajeel Wow I just logged back on to mine too after about as many years and I've been hit with a wave of nostalgia. You most definitely don't remember who I am but I wanted to let you know you made my day when you messaged me way back when I was a new user.
            I hope you're doing well and wish you the best in the future.


Wow, 5 years have passed since I was last on this app.


And my first post instantly has a typo in it. Lmao.


Yaaaaaay, virus bots are back. Don't trust strangers in your direct/private messages guys n gals! 


@tialuvsya no problem :3 hate for your accounts and beloved books to be taken advantage of by some low life. Hope wattpad gets rid of them soon. 
            Sooner then me updating books 


When are you updating your book "I Am"? I really enjoyed trying to figure the riddles out. 


Sorry been in a rut! I'm working on it, this I swear x3


Hey there. Mind checking my poetry book named Miscellaneous Souls? I hope you give it a shot. Thanks. Have a nice day!


Sure ^w^ Not much of a poet myself but I guess riddles are kind of the same. See if you like my book "I AM" 


I've heard from numerous people about this pm where they're giving away a Valentine's Day 'gift card' and just received the message today. This is a joke right? The spelling is made with Valgo and the user profile is fake. It's some sort of virus or bug so when I click the link they can access my phone or leave a bug in it isn't it. Nope not trusting it. 
          If I am wrong or anyone knows about this please do comment below. Other then that I advise against clicking the link. 


            I got it too and didn't trust it. 
            I strongly advise no one to trust such a message since anyone could do that. It would be more trustworthy if it was from a wattpad admin or ambassador.