
//CB !! Probably gonna be her flirting 


((I hope this is alright!!
           Astarion was traveling outside of Baldur’s gate, his eyes set on the path in front of him, a hand moving up to sweep some of his hair that dangled down in front of his face to the side, wearing his baggy white shirt with ropes that tied the top neck line together, tight black leather pants, and boots. He’d glanced around for a moment before pausing, hearing a strange whirring noise, before his eyes widened just slightly, that of a swirling portal suddenly opening up right in front of him, just as he took a step forwards, a slight yelp fell from his lips as he felt his stomach jump, finding himself tumbling forwards and down, onto none other than Arcadia Bay, Oregon, right onto the middle of a street, his eyes widened even more than they had before, that of confusion, and unknowing, after all, where he was from, the world was very different, a car, began to come straight towards him, and with that, he’d ran quickly out of the way, faster than others in this world could run. His red eyes, fangs and pointy ears, not to mention his clothing, definitely made him stick out like a sore thumb, he wasn’t quite use to the strange looks he was given, which had made him lightly scoff, even if on the insides it definitely didn’t make him feel great


            The man soon stopped at the grass just slightly in front of the bench, his eyes couldn’t help but glance over her clothes, almost seeming confused. When she spoke he glanced back up to her face, raising a brow “you… saw that?” He questioned before shaking his head and glancing back at the strange world once more “ even I’m not quite sure what happened” he had replied before glancing back over to her once again 


Rachel’s eyes never left him as he approached. She was sort of shocked at this, but then again she did call him over. At least he spoke English that was a start. She knew she technically didn’t need any answers to the questions that were brewing in her head, but she had nothing better to do with the rest of her day. She adjusted her position on the bench, moving so she was sitting MORE upright. She couldn’t gage how old he was, but the closer he got the more details she picked up on. He had to be a cosplayer, right? “What was that?” She asked gesturing to the area he had came from. She knew it was quite a vague question, but she figured he’d understand. How often was it that people just fall out of the sky? 


            The man had been about turn around to glance around and try to figure out where he Was… nothing seemed familiar… it was all so different, though, hearing a feminine voice his brow lightly raised, glancing back towards her, he was sort of glad that someone spoke to him, though, he approached cautiously, as if expecting that danger was right around the corner, clearing his throat, and putting on his usual front of confidence, he chuckled lightly, “well, hello” he spoke hand coming up in a smooth wave as he made his way over to the bench, unaware she’d just seen him basically appear out of nowhere, and hoping she didn’t, though, it was too late for that. 


((Not me gaining the muse when you’re probably asleep xD bloodwork when you have needle anxiety does not do good for rping this kind of character xD
          Jefferson had acquired Rachel by drugging her at a Vortex party. When she had started to feel the side effects he played the perfect Caring teacher role, ushering her out, but not before telling others that he would be helping her to her dorm, to cover his tracks. Though, soon, as she became more and more inebriated, harder to use ones better judgement, his personality… seemed to switch, chuckling darkly for a moment as he placed her in the back of his car,  driving off. As he arrived to the farmhouse, he loaded a needle, after all, he needed her as close to unconsciousness as possible. He brought her out the vehicle and into the farmhouse towards the hatch, putting in the code, before bringing her down and putting in the next one, he soon set her down upon the white floor and wall, grabbing some duct tape from nearby, tightly wrapping it multiple times around her wrists, and then, her ankles.


//I can’t even imagine trying to portray him cuz of how multidimensional (and creepy) he is cuz ik Nathan is a lil crazy but like tolerable crazy 
            Rachel seemed to fall right back into the state of being full body exhausted. As he propped her up against the wall she became lightheaded, but she figured if she passed out she wouldn’t have to deal with this anymore. As he worked she was mentally going back and forth with herself. She so desperately wanted to remember all this so that she would stop coming back to him, but did she really want to deal with the ‘after’ of this whole situation. That’s the part that made her want to forget, totally black it all out. She squinted at the brightness of the lights, her vision was blurred again and her eyes squinted shut as she sat there. Every moment they spent there the longer this was drawn out. Maybe he’d just take the photos and take her back to school. She figured that wouldn’t be so bad. 


            Awe thanks lol, it sucks cause I like rps like this, but his character is a little difficult xD he’s so mysterious 
            His teeth were kept clenched for a couple moments, lightly showing past the scowl upon his lips, though that was replaced with a slight smirk as she listened, setting his camera down on the rolling table “very good” he mumbled, before moving his hands to lightly bring her up, though was a bit more careful, knowing the drugs could make his subjects feel… ‘heavy’ he leaned her against the white wall behind her, wanting to get some more shots where she was more… upright, taking a couple steps back to observe her before adjusting the lights, turning them more toward her. He then grabbed the rolling table bringing it closer, and then letting his hands find the camera once again




-there was no canon explanation for why she distanced herself so much from Chloe between Before the Storm and her disappearance, but for the sake of my portrayal it was a mix of guilt and manipulation. I think Jefferson went into the whole thing and wanted to use her as a ‘long term project.’ I have a feeling she was in the dark room for a chunk of time before she was killed. 


-heavy on the commitment issues. She will NEVER label what’s between you two of there is some sort of relationship forming 


-they never specify what sort of substances she was caught with towards the end of her life, but for the sake of my portrayal she uses benzos and smokes weed (at parties she’ll also dabble in things like coke but that isn’t half as often as the others). 