
          	sooooo we've got a lot to talk about don't we..
          	i'm really sorry for just ghosting my whole account my mental health is not the best currently and i've been taking a big break.
          	i also got logged out of my account and just remembered the password vbfdjifvjhf.
          	here's a little update on my life!!
          	so i've figured out that i'm aroace!!! how fun!!! 
          	i'm also kind of experimenting with other pronouns!! wooo!!!
          	you remember flowers?? the one i mentioned in like every chapter of my book?? well i still talk to them!! they're like my best friend!!!
          	what else..
          	the discord server is still pretty active i think so if you'd like to join it theres lots of great, fun people!!!
          	also HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIMSEY!!!! woo!!
          	well now time to get to the not so fun stuff...
          	i'm going to take down defenestration..
          	im really sorry to anyone who was waiting for new chapters i just dont really like my writing, i dont know how to write romance at all, i didnt really have a plot for it, and its kind of a mess overall.
          	again im extremely sorry.
          	i hope you all understand.
          	ive seen all of your messages asking if im okay and i am dont worry!! thank you guys for asking!!
          	i think thats all i have to say
          	thank you all for brightening my days when i was sad and complimenting my humor and saying youve seen me everywhere. it really did make me happy. 
          	goodbye everyone!! sorry this was so long i had a lot to say!!
          	have a great day i love you all so much!!! bye!!! <333


@wilbyfoot_ Don't worry about us. Take care of yourself and try to do the things you enjoy!


no worries, we support you in whatever you need to do <3 (also welcome to the aroace club!!!)


@wilbyfoot_ aroace join us pog also goodbye defenestration my beloved i will miss you


          sooooo we've got a lot to talk about don't we..
          i'm really sorry for just ghosting my whole account my mental health is not the best currently and i've been taking a big break.
          i also got logged out of my account and just remembered the password vbfdjifvjhf.
          here's a little update on my life!!
          so i've figured out that i'm aroace!!! how fun!!! 
          i'm also kind of experimenting with other pronouns!! wooo!!!
          you remember flowers?? the one i mentioned in like every chapter of my book?? well i still talk to them!! they're like my best friend!!!
          what else..
          the discord server is still pretty active i think so if you'd like to join it theres lots of great, fun people!!!
          also HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIMSEY!!!! woo!!
          well now time to get to the not so fun stuff...
          i'm going to take down defenestration..
          im really sorry to anyone who was waiting for new chapters i just dont really like my writing, i dont know how to write romance at all, i didnt really have a plot for it, and its kind of a mess overall.
          again im extremely sorry.
          i hope you all understand.
          ive seen all of your messages asking if im okay and i am dont worry!! thank you guys for asking!!
          i think thats all i have to say
          thank you all for brightening my days when i was sad and complimenting my humor and saying youve seen me everywhere. it really did make me happy. 
          goodbye everyone!! sorry this was so long i had a lot to say!!
          have a great day i love you all so much!!! bye!!! <333


@wilbyfoot_ Don't worry about us. Take care of yourself and try to do the things you enjoy!


no worries, we support you in whatever you need to do <3 (also welcome to the aroace club!!!)


@wilbyfoot_ aroace join us pog also goodbye defenestration my beloved i will miss you


Hey I just wondering if your ok because you haven’t posted in like at least a month and I am starting to worry if you aren’t ok, take care of your self please and I completely understand if you are taking a break. :] -Bee


oh i’m okay don’t worry!! schools been kinda stressful and i’ve been taking a break! thank you for worrying tho!!