
i have a new account so everyone on here that is my friends follow me to my new account i have already followed you so follow me back the account is jackiehammack5 thank you  here is the reason i have a new account is because i have been getting bullied by people on here that think i am a bully which i am not yes there were words between them but they started it first i got offended when they called me granny so i said some choice words back they would not stop when i stopped so please do be afraid of me i am not mean


i have a new account so everyone on here that is my friends follow me to my new account i have already followed you so follow me back the account is jackiehammack5 thank you  here is the reason i have a new account is because i have been getting bullied by people on here that think i am a bully which i am not yes there were words between them but they started it first i got offended when they called me granny so i said some choice words back they would not stop when i stopped so please do be afraid of me i am not mean