Hey Guys! #Johnlock #Dramione #Drarry #Mystrade #Newtmas
I'd like to say I'm a professional fangirl, yet i feel like there are humans out there who have devoted their life spendings on authentic Harry Potter robes and generic replicas of Sherlock Holmes' iconic hat....so I'll stick with "fangirl in the making".
There's a slight possibility I ship Johnlock far too extensively or that Dramione has taken up more space in my life than appropriate, but I already have too many fandoms ,soooo #YOLO haters. Fortunately sucked into the extraterrestrial dimension of fanfictions and OTPs, let me tell you this- Darling, it's a one way trip.

Your fellow Potterhead/Sherlockian/Hunter/Bro/Phan-shipper
  • Đã tham giaMay 26, 2014