
Anyone else get the message that DMs are no longer gonna be a thing on wattpad?


Hi for the grey’s mental health one shot request
          1) sequel to the Kate/ellen one shot where reader has a nightmare and the women comfort her. Reader starts sucking her thumb and babbling causing the women to consider age regression for her. They also discover her still self harming
          2) part 3 of the request Kate and Ellen talk to reader about her continued self harm and suggest age regression and therapy 
          3) Meredith and Addison discover that their intern is self harming and not sleeping because she was kicked out of her house for being gay after her brother and father raped her in attempt to turn her straight so she’s been living in the hospital. So when Meredith suggests reader stay with them, reader agrees and Meredith doesn’t make her pay rent because she knows reader needs a home without obligations. They help reader get some sleep by staying with her in her bed 


Thanks! Will get on these when I get the chance.


My mind won’t stop racing. Why am I like this?


@taylors_pickle i had a freak out and I still don’t know what triggered it. I thought I was gonna have a panic attack. It was sucky.


I am genuinely exhausted. 


@PoisonEmbers I don’t even know why I am so exhausted. I just am.


I just heard about Ana. It is beyond horrifying that a stadium is so selfish they won’t let fans bring water in during dangerous heat. Stadiums need to get over themselves, no one should have to worry about losing their life at a concert. Ana was 23 and should not have passed away so early. I hope Taylor knows this isn’t her fault. RIP Ana, you will be missed. Descansa en paz Ana </3