
Hi everyone!
          	I've decided in the year of 2024 that I will be leaving the Prologue - Chapter Three of The Creature of the Dark on here. If you want to read the rest of my work, please email me at  Thank you for allowing me to show you parts of my works.


Hi everyone!
          I've decided in the year of 2024 that I will be leaving the Prologue - Chapter Three of The Creature of the Dark on here. If you want to read the rest of my work, please email me at  Thank you for allowing me to show you parts of my works.


Hi everyone! 
          The first four chapters of The Creature of the Dark are posted! I hope you all enjoy this version better than my first attempt many years ago.
          I would appreciate it if you all would give me feedback on what's good and not good or what you would like to see. I am working on the grammar portion, but right now I'm just writing to write and will fix everything later on. Thank you for letting me show you a new version of my novel.


Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I had my story on here and at the time I really didn’t like how it was going so I decided to switch it from first POV to third POV. 
          I will be trying to keep up with a schedule since that was also one of the issues why I didn’t like my story so much. 
          This version is a first draft, so please keep that in mind. I will be posting next chapter this week, so on the look out for that and I just want to thank you for letting me show you all my work. 


Hey guys, 
          I decide to take TCOTD off of Wattpad since I wasn't uploading the way I wanted to. I do have other projects that I'm ready to post on here, but with the TCOTD series, I wasn't doing my best with writing and getting writer's block a lot and also getting stressed out with school. 
          I don't know if I'm going to reupload it back up again with a much better synopsis, characters, and places, but for right now TCOTD won't be on Wattpad until further notice. 
          Thank you to all who have read it, commented, and voted. I appreciate you taking the time out to read my story.


Hey Guys! 
          I just posted the new Chapter Two and I would really appreciate it if you all would comment and vote and I apologize for waiting so long. I have been very busy with school and getting stressed with classes and midterm, I really apologize for that guys. 
          Anyway, love you guys


Hey Guys!
          I just posted an old book of mine it's called The Curfew. I'm working on the new version of it. I hope you all give me some feedback and how I should approach it. But anyway I will be uploading Chapter Two for The Creature of the Dark soon; probably before Christmas, so I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday and New Years.