
Hi guys! Sorry to keep you hanging. I will have some bad news and good news for you. 
          	>The bad news is, I will delete some of my discontinued works. 
          	>The good news is I will continue [The Aoharu x Kikanjuu Experience That Every FanGirl Dreamed Of] since I have already prepared drafts to upload that I am writing for years. 
          	... As for my anime headcannons, I cannot continue them anymore because I cannot come up with my original idea. 
          	Thank you for supporting my stories. I really aspire of writing my original work but it seems that would vaguely to happen because of work. OTL


Hi guys! Sorry to keep you hanging. I will have some bad news and good news for you. 
          >The bad news is, I will delete some of my discontinued works. 
          >The good news is I will continue [The Aoharu x Kikanjuu Experience That Every FanGirl Dreamed Of] since I have already prepared drafts to upload that I am writing for years. 
          ... As for my anime headcannons, I cannot continue them anymore because I cannot come up with my original idea. 
          Thank you for supporting my stories. I really aspire of writing my original work but it seems that would vaguely to happen because of work. OTL


Hey~ I wondering that do you didn't continue aoharu x kikanjuu story? Btw your story are so creative and interesting to read~~ 


@I_HateMondays Your welcome~ and it's okay. Just fighting, okay :)


@galaxdew Thank you very much and I am very sorry as well that I am taking too long to continue the story because I have work.  But I'll try my best to continue it because I also want to give my story a happy ending. 


Hi ^~^,I like ur books. There are only few of Dasai fanfics out there I've been screahing for them,then I know u by ur books. And i love really ur cross-over books,nobody could ever think the new ways like u do @~@~!!
          This is my first time talking to u but can i request u a cross-over fanfic? O~O I m waiting for ur reply,if don't want to take my request,don't feel back to tell ^~^


@MonstarOfDarkness I'm glad that u like my message ^~^.
            Thanks for the request,and the crossover book is about Izaya from Durarara!! and Dazai-san. I want them to meet each other and happens something....maybe 'yaoi-like'.I haven't  about the plot though,so up to u. Just make it the way u like,I am ur fan right from start *~*. But can u please give me a review of the book @~@. 
            Ok,then we can discuss other things later. Again,I m really grateful for accepting my request ^~^.


@MonstarOfDarkness Oh yes yes, you can request any from me, name those anime you wanna crossover it and I'll write you some. You can also give scenarios or plot if you have one.
            BTW, thank you for your sweet message. 


It's strange that we follow each other , but never say hi. Well, hi! :)


@Crazyforanimeboys I agree! LOL XD, maybe PMs through wattpad will do. Hmm, I just don't know how to open a conversation though. But i hope we will be comfortable with each other. Yaay! Maybe we will make our own Dazai fanclub when time comes. Hahahaha! 


Sorry for the late reply , but lmao. I always noticed you pfffffft. Lmao, I am a dazai freak. ♡ lol, you don't have to read it ! We just need to talk more ! Okay? :) 


@Crazyforanimeboys Oh, hello there! I can't believe you noticed me [yay! Senpai noticed me] hahaha! Anyways, I'm glad to meet you that's also a Dazai freak. 
            And I'm very sorry for the late reply. I have been busy with my job IRL. I hope that I can have more time reading your BSD fanfics. :)


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Aaah! *cursing here and there*
          I hate my judgemental colleagues, I hate this capitalism shit of making me bear to get along with them in this workforce... Haa! I'll just lurk in wattpad for the meantime, I feel secured and accepted in here rather in real life... Huhuhu! Adult life sucks! It's screwing up my mental health totally!