
So, guess who found out that they were flying with Delta Airlines?........I can hear John Mulaney in my head. 


@Amethyst_Atherton delta airlines are messed up. If we traveled, never make a reservation 


@Elenafairchildfair We already encountered trouble and we had our bags checked THREE TIMES!!! John Mulaney was right!!!! He was right!!!!! I'm on the plane right now!!! We're about to go up into the sky!!! 
          	  We're going to Atlanta btw, and then Paris, and then back home. 


So, guess who found out that they were flying with Delta Airlines?........I can hear John Mulaney in my head. 


@Amethyst_Atherton delta airlines are messed up. If we traveled, never make a reservation 


@Elenafairchildfair We already encountered trouble and we had our bags checked THREE TIMES!!! John Mulaney was right!!!! He was right!!!!! I'm on the plane right now!!! We're about to go up into the sky!!! 
            We're going to Atlanta btw, and then Paris, and then back home. 


Just went for a swim in the pool of the beach side resort we're staying at. It was really nice just doing laps and chilling in the hot tub. 
          There weren't as many stars as there were up in the mountains, but it's was still nice to look at. 
          I'm going back to the UK tomorrow afternoon.
          I'm going to miss the pools. 
          I'll try to keep you all updated throughout the journey back. Thank you all for accompanying me throughout this truly wild ride. 
          Stay safe and stay fabulous.
          Sincerely, Amethyst.


@raven121_u Aha damn, well that was one hell of a coincidence then. They even said something about a Dancing Queen lol


@Amethyst_Atherton It wasn't me. And if I did, I would be telling you about it


I almost died of fright just now. We got lost on the way to the hotel, and then we we're just sitting in the car on a really creepy looking road. And all of a sudden, we here this tapping noise at the back of the car. It sounds really loud, and it's frequent. But we can't see anything on the reverse camera. This road is bad and we probably couldn't make an easy getaway if we wanted to. 
           Now, we're already on edge, and we can hear the noise getting louder. I actually thought it was a person trying to get into the boot of the car. 
          And then the tapping stops. Which puts me more on edge. And all of a sudden, there's a big tap on my window, and I jump out of my skin. 
          And then there's just this dog staring at me. 


So we just came back from a long day out and its now almost ten thirty, and guess who was outside the back door waiting for us?
          She must have been waiting around for about three to four hours, and the moment we opened the door, she was right outside it, meowing her head off. 
          It sucks that she has an owner , because I actually want to adopt this cat, just because of how devoted she is. I don't know what she likes about us so much, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the attention. It's nice being wanted, y'know. 
          I think we're leaving the day after tomorrow, I obviously can't adopt her, and it would just be cruel to take her away from this gorgeous villa and bring her back to where I live, but she really is growing on me. I might ask the owner what her name is, but then I might get too attached. 
          She just walked into the room and went under the bed again. I like her bare faced cheek. 
          I'm leaving Panama in three days, and she'll definitely be on the long list of things I'll miss. 
          Also I looked up at the sky, and it was full of stars. I don't think I've ever seen that many stars before. It was truly breathtaking. There's too much light pollution where I live, so you can only see the really bright ones.
           I'm going to miss the stars. 
          As always, stay safe and stay fabulous. 
          Sincerely, Amethyst. 


@Thatsnakygirl Ooh, that sounds so cool, I'll try too if I can see it 


@Amethyst_Atherton I'm glad you're having fun. BTW it's a bright day here, and for the first time, we got a peaceful Uber ride. Already ate some pancakes before getting in, I would have shared you some homemade pancakes TuT


I just watched Xiao Zhan singing Gimme Gimme Gimme (Man After Midnight.).. I am dead. Deceased. I have ascended to heaven. 


@Amethyst_Atherton You're welcome! Have you ever looked under the bed? In particular, the mattress? Kitty is trying to tell you something...


Have you heard the version sung by Cher? Give it a listen.