
Happy Pride Month~ 
          	It won’t let me put up pride flag emojis >:[


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


@unfinished_sentenc_ Hiiii! Sorry I’ve been away, I’ve been so busy with midterms and exams haha… I’ll definitely check out ur work <3 thx for the support, and I hope your work gets the recognition it deserves <3
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Hey, quick update here. I probably won't be posting anything new for a while. I'll be writing when and what I can, but it probably won't be enough to make a whole new chapter in any story. My mental health isn't doing so good, and I don't know when I'm going to feel better. I might post some vent chapters, but that'll probably be it. 
          Sending love, Theo


This is gonna be a long post, jsyk.
          Me and my friend who we'll call Lemons for the sake of private identity met on the first day of sixth grade. Lemons and I bonded immediately, and they went through a lot that year. Lemons had to go to the mental ward of the hospital, and did many bad things to themself, even at school. I wasn't in a good mental state at the time, either. I had to go to the mental hospital that year, too. But we had made a promise to each other, and that promise was that both of us would stay alive. We made this promise because we had told each other that, even if we were just chilling at home, when we got word that Technoblade beat cancer, we were going to go outside, in rain or sun, and yell at the top of our lungs, "TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!" I lost my friend that year. I thought they died, until they text me months later saying they were alive and were at a different school, one that suited them better.
          We don't talk anymore, but I miss them. I miss them so f--king much.
          I miss Technoblade, too.
          It's been a year since he died. 
          A year ago, "so long, nerds" was posted, and his death was confirmed.
          I'll never be able to fulfill my promise to my friend, but I'll be able to see Technoblade again. Someday, somehow, someway. Maybe I'll see Lemons someday, too. And, together in the afterlife, or in a new life, we can see each other again. And we'll catch up together like old friends. As for Technoblade? I am more than confident his devoted 16 million or more followers will follow him and support him as his army to abolish the domains of heaven, just like he did here on Earth.
          So, don't cry for him. He wouldn't want you to. He'd want you to remember him, to have his legacy live on, and for us to know in our hearts we'll see him again. Always on our minds, and forever in our hearts, king. Never forgotten.


Hey, everyone, I just wanted to say sorry that I haven't been posting much and I won't be posting anything for a few days as I am on vacation and the wifi here is almost nonexistent.


WOOO GOING TO SWEDEN! @ me if you live in sweden or know someone who does, and "Hej!" from me if ya do!
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