
          	the story i’ve been working on has sort of come to a standstill atm! i’m still trying to flesh out the story and characters before i begin officially writing, as i don’t want to have too many hiatuses and pauses.
          	i can’t wait to introduce you all to Kohana, Emiliano, and Anwen! 


          the story i’ve been working on has sort of come to a standstill atm! i’m still trying to flesh out the story and characters before i begin officially writing, as i don’t want to have too many hiatuses and pauses.
          i can’t wait to introduce you all to Kohana, Emiliano, and Anwen! 


hey friends!
          i know i keep saying i’m writing stuff yet i never post, but i promise i’ve been working on this fantasy isekai-type story featuring elves, dragons, faeries, magic, and more!
          i’m honestly still unsure of how this project will go, but i’ll keep you posted on it!!
          thanks for sticking around <3


username change from zhufuren to jade-qilin !! i still adore zhufuren but i think jade-qilin is easier to pronounce (even for me) and it has a catchy ring to it 


the way this is my only update in 2+ years damn 


Long time, no see (except if you also follow my other account)!
          So as I mentioned back in June, I had an idea for NaNoWriMo. Let's just say that's not the case anymore.
          The story idea I was going to use for NaNoWriMo is going to turn into a full novel. As much as I love the idea of doing NaNoWriMo, I have no idea of what I could write that would be at a minimum of 50k words. I'll try to think of one, but no guarantees.
          In the meantime, I do have a regular novel set up! I already created a cover and wrote the "prologue", and I'll post it once I am satisfied with my summary and finished the outline of chapter two. This story will also be found on Inkitt (for my IRLs who do not have Wattpad) under the same username.
          I hope to see you there! <3


I've made a Twitter account exclusively for anything related to my writing, whether it be orignal works or fan-fictions. Follow it @shiinjukku ! @saerendipity- is more like my spam/trash fandom Twitter, where I retweet anime/book updates and all that other good stuff.
          Please give both of them a follow!