
Hey there! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, it's just Christmas I got a new phone and the app store didn't have Wattpad available for it yet so I had to wait, and only today has it been available to install so I'm terribly sorry about. But at least now I'll be able to update Night & Day more frequently x


@LiamsBigThingy thanks for reading the first chapter did you like it?


Hey there! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, it's just Christmas I got a new phone and the app store didn't have Wattpad available for it yet so I had to wait, and only today has it been available to install so I'm terribly sorry about. But at least now I'll be able to update Night & Day more frequently x


@LiamsBigThingy thanks for reading the first chapter did you like it?


I double updated today and it blew my energy out but I hope you enjoyed the opening into the book and are starting to get a sense of it. I'll try to update as soon as I can as I have a lot of ideas that are playing around my mind and I just can't wait to show them to you but right now I have to sleep. Hope you're enjoying


Okay, if any of you are keeping track of "Night & Day" You'd have noticed I deleted all the chapters. This sounds strange I know, but I decided I wanted to completely change the story line and plot for this book. I hope you like the prologue, let me know what you think.