
@SeniorBandGeek It sounds good! I'd read it for sure!


tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
Not gonna lie, the end of your bio is either really stupid or very poorly written. What if an emo goth or whatever the fuck kid is a complete asshole and racist bigot, you still cant make fun of them? Or a neo nazi who just happens to cut themselves, you can't make fun of them either? What you shouldn't do is make fun of someone BECAUSE they cut. (P.S. you can't make fun of me, i used to self harm!)


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I don't support bullying of any kind regardless of the circumstance! If someone's a complete asshole or a racist bigot that doesn't mean they deserve to be bullied! So no the end of my bio is NOT stupid! It's what I strongly believe in, and that's defending people against bullies! 
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Hey, you say you like emo guys. My brother is exactly like that! Black hair, big  aqua eyes... and he's 19.


Dayum! He sounds hot lol
            @I_Am_Bat_Wolf Omg your comment I'm dying! Lol
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@TheLonerWolf2000 trying to sell your brother, V?  -bursted out laughing -
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