
To all the people here that have been waiting for another update on my demonic hatred story I will...sadly delete the story soon because I now realize how bad it was and how I rushed it too. Like I said in my last update I was just so motivated to create it like I've never been that motivated to make something in my life and idk what the hell I was thinking I was making things up as it goes, and whatever I came up with up in my mind I just added it. So...the story will sadly be deleted soon and I will focus on the iron assassin story more instead whenever I have time to think of stuff for the story and I will try my absolute best to make the story look good to you all so...yeah sorry my followers that have been waiting for another chapter to be updated.


To all the people here that have been waiting for another update on my demonic hatred story I will...sadly delete the story soon because I now realize how bad it was and how I rushed it too. Like I said in my last update I was just so motivated to create it like I've never been that motivated to make something in my life and idk what the hell I was thinking I was making things up as it goes, and whatever I came up with up in my mind I just added it. So...the story will sadly be deleted soon and I will focus on the iron assassin story more instead whenever I have time to think of stuff for the story and I will try my absolute best to make the story look good to you all so...yeah sorry my followers that have been waiting for another chapter to be updated.


What is the new  schedule for  updates on your stoires


@spencer0640 now that is something that I've been trying to work on the most because my schedule isn't that great because I've been meaning to update my stories hasn't been that great to me so I'm trying my best to update the stories whenever I can 
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