


it’s just a little tune i came up with,   it’s nothing crazy i’ve just been humming it.


@tosplit ,              “let’s just pray nothing goes wrong.   i’m just glad i have you,   and also the winx who’ll be there for me.”      a smile is worn on her face,   relishing the moments where it was just like this between the two of them.   she was praying it would stay that way between the both of them,   eyes narrowing for a moment.      “what have you and the specialists been up to?”


            [  riven  hums  along,  pleased  as  a  peach.  she   rolls  her  eyes  at  her  lovers  words.  so  she  isn’t  a  musician,  big  deal,  the  song  still  sounds  like  perfection  to  her.  ]    you  will  perform  it,  and  you’ll  know  everyone  else  out  of  the  park  because  you’re  /that/  good. 


@tosplit ,              “no,   the chord progression could definitely use some work.”      her head tilts slightly,   quietly humming the tune.   still working on the lyrics in order to perform at the next event at the school,      “because you aren’t one,   riven.   except everything needs to be perfect!   i have to perform something,   after all.”


i can take care of myself,   riven.


@tosplit ,              “ugh.”      she rolls her eyes,   although she could feel the flutter of her heart by the other’s words.   leaning forward,    “my hero.”    a hand going to grasp the specialist.


            You  can!  But  just  because  you  can  doesn’t  mean  I  have  to  sit  back  and  just  watch  the  person  I  love  throw  herself  into  the  nearest  danger. 


@tosplit ,              “because you always come to save me,”      her cheeks burn a light red,   seemingly flustered.   although musa wasn’t necessarily angry,   but she felt a bit guilty.      “i should be able to protect myself.”


if you don’t know why i’m mad!   then forget it.


@tosplit ,              “maybe you can’t see it,   but i could tell she was flirting with you!   you’re just too stupid to see it!”      she exclaims,   her hands going up to frustratingly wipe her eyes.   the influx of emotion burning inside her chest,   swallowing thickly as brows knit together to display her displeasure of this conversation    (and riven)   currently.      “you always think i’m overreacting,   you know,   maybe this conversation just isn’t worth having!   go train with skye,   it seems you’re better at that than talking to me!” 


            [  riven  scoffs,  blowing  a  strand  of  hair  from  her  face.  her  arms  are  crossed,  defensive  and  ridden  with  marks  from  her  nails.  ]  oh  please,  she  wasn’t  interested  in  me  we  were  just  making  conversation.  if  she  was  interested  in  me  she  would’ve  asked  for  my  number  or  given  me  hers  or  done  literally  anything  else  musa!  don’t  project  your  own  insecurities  on  to  me  and  accuse  me  of  something  I  didn’t  do!   [  the  specialist  knows  she’s  being  increasingly  cruel  right  now  but  the  words  just  keep  falling  out.  she  doesn’t  know  how  to  pull,  only  ever  being  taught  to  shove.  ]    get  /what/  exactly?  that  you’re  overreacting? 


@tosplit ,              “that she was interested in you!”      musa would exclaim,   eyes squeeze shut as it seemed that all riven liked to do was defend herself in these situations.   not to really tackle the issue,   the aching anxiety that pressed into the winx club member’s mind.   from the way the specialist answer,   it would spring a bit of tears sprouting from the corner of her eyes.      “of course you wouldn’t get it.”




                    rainbow dash,   sunset.   i just don’t understand why i’m getting pushed to do this sports event!   i’m not even good at kicking the ball.


            What’s  wrong??  Who  did  something?? 


i can’t just tell everyone i can’t go!   not when i promised i would.


            /then/  there  will  be  other  people  there  to  handle  it.  you  don’t  always  have to  be  the  savior. 


                      sigh,   but what if it all goes wrong?   who’s gonna be there to handle it when it does. 


            but  why  do  you  have  to!  they  have  plenty enough  people  there  to  help. 


if it’s between reading my book,   and going out.   i’ll stick to my book.


                     ha   (…)   okay,   okay!   i’ll come,   but if it’s too much we’re going to the cafe.   i like it there.


            but  come onnnnnnnnnn— you  promised  me  you’d  join  this  time!!!!!!!