
A fanfiction of a fanfiction is difficult. I'm unpublishing. 


@shadowlinks_babygirl well, technically the fanfiction uses mostly original characters, thus making it an original story. The personalities and names of agents 3, 4, and 8 come from people who gave them an original use. That makes these characters original creations. The fan part really comes from it being set in the splatoon universe. You're technically not making a fanfiction of a fanfiction by those points.


A fanfiction of a fanfiction is difficult. I'm unpublishing. 


@shadowlinks_babygirl well, technically the fanfiction uses mostly original characters, thus making it an original story. The personalities and names of agents 3, 4, and 8 come from people who gave them an original use. That makes these characters original creations. The fan part really comes from it being set in the splatoon universe. You're technically not making a fanfiction of a fanfiction by those points.


It's no secret that I love splatoon. I WAS going to make some smut about it, but I guess someone beat me to that kind of story, and by someone, I mean everyone. However, during my time playing splatoon 2, I noticed a user named SWP-Writer and another named SWP-Editor. I wanted to figure out what was going on with those weird names. It wasn't in a type of meme, so I brushed it off until someone recommended Amino to me a few weeks ago. Then I found something called Splatoon Writing Project. I saw a link for wattpad, and clicked on it.  From there and then, I've fallen in love with a specific story.  It's called TarTar's Return. I read it through, and I did NOT regret it. It's about these agents who investigate who started a rumer of Squidbeak Platoon being evil. I'm not gonna spoil anything but I cried.  (Totally ship Kirianna btw) Anyway, check it out! 
          ~ Dana


Ah, yeah. It was an old rp we did a while back that escalated to this whole amino and it's very own fan fiction. It's been a wild ride but we've kept in there. Anyways, I got word from 'HQ' and we just have a few very simple questions for ya. Most of them are your basic thoughts of the story, your favorite ship, and why did you like it? We always want to improve our future writing/Rping.( Seeing as we have a few projects in the works that I won't mention ;) )


@Ivy1173 Oh my! so this is an RP thing? Ya know what? I'm off work today: I can do an interview. 


Damn finally! I finally finished Emotional Personas! The finale is done! I can now rest I’m peace! Let’s face it it clearly overstayed its welcome, and it can only go for so long before it gets boring as hell. I can only think of so much. There’s no way around it, Smut more or less ends in one way anyway. Anyhow I hope you all had a great experience. Next time I’ll deal with less smut to ease myself a bit of pressure. Such after, I’ll go back to that, okay? Awesome sauce! Tata~ 


Oh man oof sorry for the HUGE hiatus, School, Work, Family. Simple as that. I’m doing animation classes because of course I am. Anyway don’t worry about the last Emotional Persona’s Fanfic, it won’t be dusty. “I still care.” Part Two, will be up soon enough within this month. Thank you for loving this; OH AND IF YOU WANT SOME FANFIC PAIRS WITH EMOTIONAL PERSONAS PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW!


It looks like the last one was a success! I'm hoping I can satisfy you with the next lemon I give you. I might be dried out in fan fiction until someone suggests sorry my darlings. Heh... I guess I'm not the best at what I'm good at yet. Love you all!
          ~Dana Out!!