
Hi Guys!
          	Work Dates, Chapter three will be up tomorrow (29th August) Sorry for the long wait, this one is quite a long one! and I've been quite busy this week so I didn't have time to sit down and think of some more ideas for the story!
          	I hope you enjoy it!
          	I'll probably do updates for each chapter around every week!


totally random but on your profile it say your birthday to the exact day... do you update it everyday...? 


@theonelives this was from about a month ago I haven't updated it since, i just did it one day as i was like I'll be sixteen next year yay,lol x



Hi Guys!
          Work Dates, Chapter three will be up tomorrow (29th August) Sorry for the long wait, this one is quite a long one! and I've been quite busy this week so I didn't have time to sit down and think of some more ideas for the story!
          I hope you enjoy it!
          I'll probably do updates for each chapter around every week!


When is the next update day? ❤️


@Purepinkbooiphone tomorrow!❤ hope you like the next update!☺


Hey Meggy!
          I just wanted to tell you that you're such an awesome person!!