
Hellooo! Good day to everyone! I finally published the rewritten version of my previous story and it's currently named: "Bound To Death". I don't know if you will like that but I do think so. Enjoy!~
          	I just published "Prologue" of my story "Bound To Death". https://www.wattpad.com/1450044965?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=UrGothicG1rl


Hellooo! Good day to everyone! I finally published the rewritten version of my previous story and it's currently named: "Bound To Death". I don't know if you will like that but I do think so. Enjoy!~
          I just published "Prologue" of my story "Bound To Death". https://www.wattpad.com/1450044965?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=UrGothicG1rl


          Hello! A pleasant day to everyone! I afraid have two news for you a bad and a good one. Starting from the bad news, may I announce that my story " Death over Life Journal" will be discontinued as you can see that I'm not updating for a long time. Well, I currently enjoying my 'staycation' if you mind. I really love to spend that on my family and for taking care of myself. Then, why I'm not updating for these past few weeks when I am just staying at home? The answer is, I'm on it. 
          Can I tell you the good news? Well, the second announcement, the good one, is that my previous story "Death over Life Journal" will be rewritten. To say the least, I'm currently working for it so that I cannot disappoint myself as well as to tell a good story. I'm just a beginner though... and a indecisive person :( I'm trying my best to create a book which satisfying to say so myself (I don't know atleast we tried). I will notify once I already published the rewritten version. 
           So, that's all for now. If you read this announcement then it would be great (first time to announce eh) Lovelots! <3