
WELP, doesn't it suck when a guy you like dates someone else?
          	Well imma write my sorrows before I leave to Lily's birthday party. 
          	Hope you all had a fabulous Saturday :)


@MissXDSmiley Thank you so much for the vote on Secrets Within! It means a lot to me that people are reading and commenting and voting! If there was any part you didn't like, please feel free to comment about it so I can work on that, and make the story more favorable,  okay? 
          	  Stay tuned for The Vigilant, an Original Work I plan on entering into the Hot Keys Books contest! :D


WELP, doesn't it suck when a guy you like dates someone else?
          Well imma write my sorrows before I leave to Lily's birthday party. 
          Hope you all had a fabulous Saturday :)


@MissXDSmiley Thank you so much for the vote on Secrets Within! It means a lot to me that people are reading and commenting and voting! If there was any part you didn't like, please feel free to comment about it so I can work on that, and make the story more favorable,  okay? 
            Stay tuned for The Vigilant, an Original Work I plan on entering into the Hot Keys Books contest! :D


Hey I was hoping to be more active online but my dad decided to throw a b*tch fit last night and take everything except my school ipad. 
          So if you follow my twitter, @MaddieMitchelle, I'll be on there quite a lot tomorrow because the school doesn't allow wattpad. But it allows facebook and twitter. Sigh. 
          My mom said that my dads still grieving over my grandma but honestly, I don't think when he gets drunk, gets pissing ass mad to the point where I think he broke my laptop last night, and calls me and my sister "annoying ungrateful little shits" for not doing the dishes is classified under "grieving". 
          Who knows when he'll let me have my stuff back, but for sure I'll have my school ipad so when I'm at home I can definitely talk to you guys if you wanna talk. I really want my laptop, iPod and iPad back though. :( 
          On a semi-brighter note, my book comes out tonight, at midnight, so I hope you'll go get it :) it's my first "paid" book, meaning it's $.99, which if you really can't afford (if you're broke like me), message me and I'll help a sister out. Or if you're a boy, I'll help a brother out. 
          The reason it's not free is because I'm trying to save up for a new laptop, seeing as mines broken, and I know for a fact my dad won't buy me a new one. So if you would kindly purchase my book tomorrow, I would be very happy :)
          Adios amigos, 
          xxMaddie Mitchelle


Sorry I haven't updated in what seems like forever... I thought that once my books were out I'd have time to catch up on my Wattpad stories... I didn't plan for all the tests, essays, and events I have going on.
          I met little mix today. They were beautiful and flawless, even if I didn't get to talk to them for long. I hope they'll read my letter, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
          I get to see Demi for the first time, and Little Mix and Fifth Harmony for the second times with my friends tomorrow night... I'll see if I can get some writing done beforehand but I doubt I'll get far. 
          I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting, I'm not meaning to. 
          Love you all... :) 