
Hey guys! 
          	So very sorry that I have kind of dropped off the earth. But to make it up to you... I have updated like 5 chapters of my new story Trust Me. I feel really bad for just leaving you with 2 chapters and I have been busy writing it. 
          	I hope you guys like it XD
          	Love you all xx
          	Remember... Smile and do it or don't do it at all


@Nightwing_06 Woohoo!!! About bloody time babe ;) Haha, the chapters are AMAZING I love them all!!!
          	  ~Ash (your bae)


Hey guys! 
          So very sorry that I have kind of dropped off the earth. But to make it up to you... I have updated like 5 chapters of my new story Trust Me. I feel really bad for just leaving you with 2 chapters and I have been busy writing it. 
          I hope you guys like it XD
          Love you all xx
          Remember... Smile and do it or don't do it at all


@Nightwing_06 Woohoo!!! About bloody time babe ;) Haha, the chapters are AMAZING I love them all!!!
            ~Ash (your bae)


Hello everyone!
          I am so sorry that it has been a long time but I am here to announce my new story called Trust Me. I hope you all get a chance to read it because it is one of my favorites. 
          I am still working on She Wolf 3, however, I have been on my other shared account @5sosxalltimelow please check out these stories they are absolutely amazing. Sorry for any inconvenience.


IT'S FINALLY HERE! Alas my dear readers... I present to you... 
          She Wolf 3 ~ Your Home Is Right Here Within My Heart
          Chapter One has been published! Feel free to read it whenever you wish xD
          I am terribly sorry that it took so long. I promise not to take as long with the other chapters.


Hi guys! 
          I recommend @5sosxalltimelow to you all. @_hitch and I have formed an account and we are writing a book called Never Be.
          Check it out guys, and give us a follow.
          You won't be disappointed! xD


@Nightwing_06 Babe, it's __hich not _hitch xD Love you xx


Song Challenge :-)
          Using only song names from 1 band/artist, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 8 people. Try to not repeat a song title.
          It’s a lot harder than you think!
          ❤️ Good Luck ❤️
          Pick your band/artist: All Time Low
          Are you male/female: The Girl's a Straight-Up Hustler
          Describe yourself: The Reckless and the Brave
          How do you feel: I feel like dancin'
          Describe where you currently live: Somewhere In Neverland
          If you could go anywhere where would you go: Six Feet Under The Stars
          Your favorite form of transportation: Therapy
          Your best friend is: So Long Soldier
          You and your best friends are: A Daydream Away
          What's the weather like: Painting Flowers
          Favorite time of day: Stay Awake
          If your life was a TV show, what would the title be: The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver
          What is life to you: Remembering Sunday
          Your relationship: Sick Little Games
          Your fear: Break Your Little Heart
          I nominate: @AJH_Legends  @Missypink7 @5sosxalltimelow @thebluehoodedranger @


Hello my lovelies! 
          I was a bit scared to come on here because I thought that you would all be screaming at me for how I left She Wolf 2 ~ If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When? 
          I am taking a break from writing the She Wolf series, so I do apologize.  
          Be sure to check out my new story Untitled - A Short Story.  I hope you all like it. Also if there is anyone who would like to own Forgetting The Light, I am more than happy to give it to you. I am puzzled and have no more ideas for it. So you can send me a quick personal message to get that sorted out. 
          Thank you for all of your support!


Attention my beautiful followers! I would like to announce that @Hockeyroo14 is my new partner to write the next book  that we will be publishing so keep an eye out for our new story! Love you all! Keep reading because we all know reading is better than reality ;-)


Hey guys... I need your help! Please comment below if you want me to write a fan fiction for Batman. I don't know if you would be interested or not so... yeah, if you could comment or send me a message that would be great! :-D Also don't hesitate to send me a message about how you like my story's or if you have any ideas or recommendations for a new one :-) Just a heads up... I am writing a new story but don't get your hopes up just yet. Want to make sure it's good first :-) That is all for now my citizens of Gotham City. If you need anything signal my partner... We'll be there ;-)