
Sorry I haven't been on Wattpad is a while, I've gotten bored and went on Discord. Here's the link of my server if you want to join


Hey guys. I'm thinking about doing a 100 follower special. I'll be doing a Q&A! I'll put in more information tomorrow.


@LittlePink2106 1) if a supernatural creature came up to you and had a conversation with you what would you do? A) talk back B) slowly back away before turning around and bolt C) ignore them
          2) what is your favorite tv show
          3) what was your favorite subject at Robert e. Lee


            1.) A, obviously because I want to be friendly to them 
            2.) Ridiculousness
            3.) Ummm I don't know this question
जवाब दें




I just checked my account and I saw that I got 101 FOLLOWERS!! You guys are so amazing! Thank you very much! I am so happy right now! And I'm so sorry if I start disappearing again. But again, thank you guys so much! I love you all <3