
Heya! If you'd be so kind to share my new Roleplay with your friends, I'd greatly appreciate it! The more the merrier!
          	Thanks! C:


Heya! If you'd be so kind to share my new Roleplay with your friends, I'd greatly appreciate it! The more the merrier!
          Thanks! C:


Once again I've been inactive for several months, I do apologise! Things have been mega hectic... Thank you all for understanding. I have a lot of spare time coming up soon (Holidays, yey) so I'll be sure to continue my books and maybe even start a new project! I'd love to host an RP of some kind as well. I'll make sure to let y'all know when I'm officially free! Once again, I'm super sorry for being inactive, and thank you for the reads, comments, and follows! 


@Arcing-Pegasi  it's fine :) yeah i think we've all been busy this year lol


I read your giude to Oc's...and I has question. So it is not wrong to have to ur OC be am Alicorn...cuz i kinda non chalantle made mine an Alicorn. Presently I am trying to write a back story for her....Is it wrong to have her as a princess...and have her leave the royal life? Oh and another one....i also nom.chalantle made her cutie mark without thinking about it. A heart with wings and a halo...but if her personality was caring and loving, kind, and protective.....would that work? Hope u answer back...cuz it would be great to know :-)


hi I'm snowflake you can call me snow my friend told me about you so I checked you out and I was hoping if you want to that is do you wanna read my books and give me some advice on them you see a lot of people like them but I always feel like I could do better anyway if you do check them out please give me your opinion thanks 


To all my fellow Roleplayers on MLP: Island Survival, I won't be able to RP as often due to being busy during the day (Only on weekdays) But I'll drop in beforehand in the morning, and when I'm free in the afternoons! Hopefully any time differences won't prevent the Roleplay from continuing normally! C: