
@xXAlways_LostXx  kk! I shall do as u please! Lol. Thanks for reading! Ill get to it right now! 


hello guys this is reanna  the owner. I was actually  10 when I started this, I haven't been around to fix anything and I don't have my iPod fix everything so I'm sorry for all mistakes, I shall probably be making more later on when I get my new phone sorry and thank u or your time, please o not blow up this message with tags or what ever I'm on my friends account jut looking in the bye


Woot woot! I'm the first to post on your message board! :D *does an awesome happy dance* ^-^
          Anyways! I just wanted to thank you for voting and commenting on my story "The Emo Boy and Me" and following me :D Your the best!! ^-^ Hope you're enjoying the story!