
Hello everyone this is Sprinkle (@-Pastel_Queen-  ) god it’s been a while since I had to update something on Chloe’s account huh? 
          	Anyways. About maybe a month ago I got some bad news about Chloe. 
          	As some of you may know Chloe had been diagnosed with cancer for a second time, blah, blah, blah. Well.. her depression over it got bad. Really bad and she attempted suicide. 
          	I’m not going to state how she tried to do it, as I believe that’s too personal, and currently she is in ICU because of it. 
          	I’m sorry to anyone who might be wanting to get into contact with her. I’m hoping she’ll get better soon enough and hopefully start to come back. But for the moment she isn’t looking too good. 
          	If you need me personally however my DMs are open. Ik with this quarantine everyone’s losing their minds. I hope everyone knows my personal DMs are always open for a person in need. 


@-PinK_Mermaid- The poor girl! I hate whenever I hear things about suicide or attempting it, I am making sure to send her all my virtual love. And my hope that she has a fast and speedy recovery!


Hello everyone this is Sprinkle (@-Pastel_Queen-  ) god it’s been a while since I had to update something on Chloe’s account huh? 
          Anyways. About maybe a month ago I got some bad news about Chloe. 
          As some of you may know Chloe had been diagnosed with cancer for a second time, blah, blah, blah. Well.. her depression over it got bad. Really bad and she attempted suicide. 
          I’m not going to state how she tried to do it, as I believe that’s too personal, and currently she is in ICU because of it. 
          I’m sorry to anyone who might be wanting to get into contact with her. I’m hoping she’ll get better soon enough and hopefully start to come back. But for the moment she isn’t looking too good. 
          If you need me personally however my DMs are open. Ik with this quarantine everyone’s losing their minds. I hope everyone knows my personal DMs are always open for a person in need. 


@-PinK_Mermaid- The poor girl! I hate whenever I hear things about suicide or attempting it, I am making sure to send her all my virtual love. And my hope that she has a fast and speedy recovery!


Small rant
          Why won’t anyone let me hang or shoot myself? I’m going to die soon anyways,  why do I have to live in constant pain? 
          My family does not want anything to do with me knowing I don’t have much time left what did I ever do wrong? I want to end it all so so much but no one will let me :( 


this message may be offensive


I guess I should explain why I haven’t been Rping?
          So I don’t know how to put it, I got like 7 new tumors in the last month and there isn’t much to fight them so I been dealing with that
          I guess I’ll just accept that I will die and RP and hopefully people will like me till and even after I’m dead?


            If it is possible, try- i'd hate to lose a friend :(


@-son_of_sparta- I don’t know if I can that’s the problem :( 


Could someone please do a AOT RP with me? I’m all alone and I’m bored :( pretty please with a cherry on top


            I COMPLELETY UNDERSTAND, i very much understand, i know i am very paient, so no worries of course ^^


@ArseneTheNightlight I’m sorry more medical issues came up and I couldn’t respond 
            If you still want dm me? Haha 


I am so sorry but I feel the need to rant and you do not have to read this if you don’t want too and it’s okay if you don’t I understand 
          This is my second go around with cancer and it hurts even more than the first, and to top it off my family is now refusing to come see me when I’m in the hospital and I’m all alone
          They say that it is too much to handle for them and I should be great full that they would sit with me the first time And it makes me really sad cause like..
          I’m lonely and scared
          I’m sorry for ranting you can ignore this if you please I’ll do better next time about keeping it to myself 


            Aw, hopefully you're alright! *hugs* you have all of us! 


@GravityKimball *hugs* thank you so much
             @girl_in_the_box  thank you so much it is just really hard and I needed to vent 


You should be able to rant! It takes a really strong person to go though what you are. Just stay strong and don’t give up. You can do this and prove everyone around you wrong! 


I has been abandoned....


@GravityKimball it’s not the RP thing please take all the time you need
            It’s just this is my second year spending Christmas all alone is all and my family left today and it makes me really sad